Flutter vs React Native: What’s Better for Mobile App Development

John Doe


In this ever-evolving IT realm, knowledge and skills in all the latest techs are precious. Since there is a high demand for mobile apps among users, their development won’t stop any time soon. According to Statista, global mobile app revenues will increase by more than $365 billion in 2023. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg!

As the number of users in the Apple Store and Play Market is growing at lightning speed, more and more businesses want to get their cut of the take by launching the next revolutionary product that will take the market by storm. Do you have a fantastic mobile app idea for your business? But you don’t know what technology to choose?

In our article, we’re going to compare the two technologies that are quite popular in the development community — Flutter and React Native. Keep reading to find out which fits your business better.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source UI development toolkit that has already helped thousands of businesses to create appealing and easy-to-navigate products. Released by Google in 2017, this UI software toolkit was created to develop highly interactive cross-platform mobile apps with a single codebase.